I am Marcello Leopoldo; I was born in 1965 in Bari (Southern Italy), where I live. I am a non-professional photographer. I started taking photographs in 1984, and three years later, I bought my very first SLR, the Praktica BC1. I have been taking snapshots of friends and relatives on summer vacations or birthdays for many years, until 2003. Then, I stumbled across photographs taken with Holga cameras that blew me away. The Holga camera revamped my interest in photography and completely changed my approach to photography. Later, I bought an original Diana camera and even built a homemade camera with a plastic lens. I love analog photography. More projects are coming.
Publications & Exhibitions
SHOTS Magazine, No. 162 - Winter Issue 2024: MOVING PICTURES
SHOTS Magazine, No. 125 - Autumn Issue 2014: BOOKS/WORDS/MUSIC
Light Leaks, No. 19 - Gallery: SECRETS
Light Leaks, No. 14 - Gallery: CHILDHOOD
Light Leaks, No. 13 - Gallery: ROAD TRIP
Light Leaks, No. 3 - June 2006, Featured Theme: MY SPACE
Light Leaks, No. 2 - March 2006, Special Feature: NOBODY: WHERE HAS EVERYONE GONE?
Kamera & Bild, No. 12 - December 2005: TOYCAMERAS BEJAKAR LEKLUSTEN
Light Leaks, No. 1 - October 2005, Featured Theme: UNUSUAL
Mediateca Regionale Pugliese, Bari (Italy) - December 2017: TOY CAMERAS (solo exhibition)
Self-portrait (2004))